New Nokia Map Loader 1.2
While we're at the Nokia Maps, we might as well mention the new Nokia Map Loader 1.2.
The new version requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0! What a shame.. Why don't Nokia just use Java which just about everyone seems to have?
Well, the installer fetches .NET 3.0 for you, if you don't already have it installed.It takes some time to get, and a little more than a short while to install.. It actually takes quite some time, which is very annoying. But hey, it's only the first time (but what if I didn't want .NET 3.0 on my machine?).
After .NET 3.0 has finished installing, the rest of the installation takes only a moment.
Besides the splash screen, I can't tell the difference from Map Loader 1.1. It's probably just bugfixes, or perhaps the preparation for using new features in .NET 3.0. Anyone?
I still miss the feature that lets you see which maps you've already installed on the memory card. I hope this feature will show up in the next version.
Also check out this post for updates on the Maps application:
technorati tags:nokia, map loader 1.2, update, oppinion, missing feature, .net 3.0