
Monday, October 29, 2007

More performance numbers on JRuby 1.1

I finally got the time to take a deeper look at JRuby 1.1 (trunk).
just checked it out, and ran a small performance test.

Immediately after I ran the exact same test for MRI.

These are the results, showing an approximate 4-10 times performance from JRuby over MRI!!!

E:\ror\jruby>jruby -J-server -O test/bench/bench_method_dispatch.rb
Control: 1m loops accessing a local variable 100 times
  0.422000   0.000000   0.422000 (  0.422000)
  0.282000   0.000000   0.282000 (  0.282000)
  0.141000   0.000000   0.141000 (  0.141000)
  0.156000   0.000000   0.156000 (  0.156000)
  0.156000   0.000000   0.156000 (  0.156000)
Test STI: 1m loops accessing a fixnum var and calling to_i 100 times
  3.781000   0.000000   3.781000 (  3.781000)
  3.625000   0.000000   3.625000 (  3.625000)
  3.125000   0.000000   3.125000 (  3.125000)
  3.110000   0.000000   3.110000 (  3.110000)
  3.172000   0.000000   3.172000 (  3.172000)
Test ruby method: 1m loops calling self's foo 100 times
 12.094000   0.000000  12.094000 ( 12.094000)
 11.859000   0.000000  11.859000 ( 11.859000)
 11.063000   0.000000  11.063000 ( 11.063000)
 10.890000   0.000000  10.890000 ( 10.890000)
 10.875000   0.000000  10.875000 ( 10.875000)

E:\ror\jruby>ruby test/bench/bench_method_dispatch.rb
Control: 1m loops accessing a local variable 100 times
  5.625000   0.000000   5.625000 (  5.672000)
  5.625000   0.000000   5.625000 (  5.625000)
  5.562000   0.000000   5.562000 (  5.562000)
  5.704000   0.000000   5.704000 (  5.719000)
  5.640000   0.000000   5.640000 (  5.703000)
Test STI: 1m loops accessing a fixnum var and calling to_i 100 times
 18.891000   0.000000  18.891000 ( 19.328000)
 18.937000   0.000000  18.937000 ( 19.344000)
 19.016000   0.000000  19.016000 ( 19.235000)
 19.375000   0.000000  19.375000 ( 20.125000)
 21.172000   0.000000  21.172000 ( 23.781000)
Test ruby method: 1m loops calling self's foo 100 times
 37.156000   0.000000  37.156000 ( 42.984000)
 39.141000   0.000000  39.141000 ( 55.672000)
 33.812000   0.000000  33.812000 ( 37.156000)
 33.047000   0.000000  33.047000 ( 34.032000)
 32.938000   0.016000  32.954000 ( 33.609000)

The Gimp 2.4 final

Yup, the final release of The Gimp version 2.4 is finally out! :-)

Windows users - get it here:

Other users can find their version here:

Netbeans 6.0 Beta 2

I was too busy last week, didn't have much time to blog about anything..

Now is the time to briefly mention the most important news from the week that passed.

The first one is Netbeans 6.0 beta 2. Since I haven't been using much of it's Java features recently, I decided to go with the Ruby-Only version.
And what a joy that is!

It's a tiny download - about 19 Megs.
It starts in a flash!!
It rocks..

Get it - now - here:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gimp 2.4 released tomorrow

According to, the Gimp 2.4 (final) will be released tomorrow:

Joy to the (open source gfx) world!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Blazingly fast JRuby

Yesterday Charles Nutter did some extreme performance work on JRuby, making it outperform the MRI in most cases:

A lot of individual performance tests are shown here at Ola Binis blog. The list shows that JRuby outperforms MRI at a factor of more than 20 in some cases! In most cases the JRuby performance is a little faster (from a few percent to 2-3 times the performance). In a few cases MRI is still the fastest (ie. regexp):

Unfortunately the performance on JRuby on Rails are a hog.. The latest findings from Ola Bini shows that this might be a result from very, very, very slow regexp-performance in JRuby, alongside symbols:

Congratulations on the fantastic work on the general performance! I think this is a milestone to remember.

When the performance issues on JRuby on Rails is fixed, JRuby will surely be the Ruby implementation to use! I'll test it on SAP NetWeaver as soon as I get the chance.

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Monday, October 8, 2007

Joost open for the public

Joost has now finished their closed beta testing period. This means that Joost is now open for the public.

The beta label is still there, but the version is now 1.0.

Joost™ the best of tv and the internet

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Thursday, October 4, 2007

JRuby Compiler #2

Yesterday Charles Nutter - one of the core members of the JRuby Team, and the man behind the recently announced JRuby Compiler - raised the expectations on when to see a compiler for JRuby capable of producing normally-instantiable and invokable Java classes from Ruby ditto.

He says that he might be starting on it before JRuby 1.1, and that his best guess is to see it done before the end of 2007.

When "JRuby compiler #2" is finished, it will be far easier to call Ruby code from a Java app. Just as easy as calling Groovy classes from Java.

Read the post here

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New JavaFX stuff

There is a new tutorial in the "learning curve" series for JavaFX at (part 3):

The first 2 parts can be found as links in the lower part of the article.

Furthermore innovative guys are giving JavaFX Script support for GlassFish V2 UR1 application clients - interesting stuff!

Read more about that here:

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New JRE preview (Update N ~ Consumer JRE)

The long awaited "Consumer JRE" (now called Java 6 SE Update N) is here for preview:

This version is supposed to enable start of Java Applications in a speed comparable to Flash based applications.. This is particularly nice for projects relying on Java Web Start and Applets, but should benefit other usage types as well.

Read more about it on these links:

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Monday, October 1, 2007

JRuby Compiler done

Last week (at JAOO!) Charles Nutter finished the bytecode compiler for JRuby. Congratulations on that one! :-)

Unfortunately I haven't had the time to take a look at it yet - I'm pretty busy these days - but I'll get it and share my first impressions as soon as possible.

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